
Nextgen Nanotech Platform to Conserve Water, Preserve Nature

At Irajya, we want to improve the water quality in India, one drop at a time. With our patented technology, we want to deliver the best green outcomes that India deserves.

Not just any water treatment will do, when we serve tens of thousands. We filter out heavy metals, contaminants, bacteria, viruses, even desalinate water using our proprietary magnetic ion resonance based greentech. Industrial waste water can also be transformed to be fit for drinking. All this while reducing input water wastage by 40%. All this by not adding any chemicals. All this at a cost of just 5 paisa per liter. The best water for India, treated the best way.

Water is a life-giving resource that needs to be treated valuably and preserved for future generations. We incorporate cutting-edge solutions to preserve water.


Decrease the amount of groundwater used as input to avoid wastage. Our water wastage is just 10%, compared to 50% wastage in traditional RO plants.


Transform the wastewater from industries and SEZs into water fit for other uses in the industry. Make it drinkable too.


Allow only treated water to flow into municipal water management systems, water bodies and seep into the ground, to renew it. Avoid use of chemicals in order to preserve the water quality.

Irajya’s Solutions & Services



EMRION Patented Tech

Irajya’s Backer Credentials

Irajya’s parent company is Eesavyasa Technologies Pvt. Ltd (ETPL). ETPL focuses on Research & Development (R&D) and incubating new technologies. Prior to spinning off Irajya with the purpose of executing water projects, ETPL delivered several large projects.
years of R&D
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Executed Projects
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Cr Invoices Received
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Our Customers

Our Success Stories

Medical wastes from hospital water discharge treated successfully on a pilot basis, to prevent the development of antibiotic resistant strains

Karnataka Government reduces water wastage by 70% through 300+ fully Automatic Water Purification Plants (RO+UF)